Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .Net. J.P. Hamilton

Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .Net

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Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .Net J.P. Hamilton. chm ebook Publisher: O'Reilly Media Language: English Page: 308 ISBN: 0596001460, 9780596001469

One of the most significant features of Visual Basic .NET is the full support of object-oriented programming. For years, developers have been asking for it, but you may not be quite sure how it can help to create and maintain scalable .NET applications. VB.NET is a language that facilitates object-oriented programming, but does not guarantee good object-oriented code. That's where Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET comes in. It will show you how to think about similarities in your application logic and how to design and create objects that maximize the benefit and power the .NET Framework enables. Packed with examples that will guide you through every step, Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET is a guide for those with some programming experience. This book is for those who know Visual Basic 6.0 and are ready or have started the process of developing with Visual Basic .NET. It is an essential tool that will build your skills, as you become a master of Visual Basic .NET.

About the Author

J.P. Hamilton is a software engineer who lives and works in Houston, Texas, perhaps the largest underrated city in the known universe. At the age of eight, a serious addiction to Space Invaders and a lack of funds led him to his first PC, a 6502-based beast built by Ohio Scientific. He's been programming ever since. He has been dabbling in the black art of COM programming for several years and uses both languages: C++ and Visual Basic. From time to time he leaves the realm of programming to pursue his other interests: skydiving, running marathons, yoga, and drinking coffee. His machine at home also doubles as a digital audio workstation where he composes electronic music of all kinds. He believes one should experience as much as possible in this life, and is currently scheming for a way to climb Mt. Everest.

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